

I am open to projects related to


  • storytelling photography
  • fine art
  • exhibitions

If you feel like there is a possibility to collaborate on a project related to the above please get in touch.

I am keen to work with people who are willing to influence individuals, communities and society overall and help us understand the relationships between people, other forms of life and the environment we live in, better.

Perhaps the following short film might tell you a little more.


Jozef Palguta


I was born in Poprad in Slovakia, a small town close to the mountain range High Tatras.

Since I was 10 years old I found an interest in photography via chemistry to my surprise. It were the processes of developing photos in my dark room that got me. Only later I developed a stronger relationship to express myself via the content of the photos I was making.

After I left studies of civil engineering and architecture, picked for me as a career path, just a month before the Advance Level exams, I went travelling around Slovakia and the neighbouring Czech Republic as a seasonal and unqualified worker.

Eventually, in 2005 I made it to England where I settled for the next 16 years.

There I graduated in Arts with Honours in Graphic Design.

My need to communicate visually strengthened and diversified.

When I met Méline, my partner, wife and close friend, we decided to move to the Arctic Circle in Norway to start a family.

At the moment we’re settling well in a small Arctic community thriving between the mountains of Lyngen Alps in a village called Lyngseidet.

If you are keen to find out more about me visit the two projects I am running at the moment; Communication Design Studio and Our Cultures.

Or even better. Just get in touch and I’ll be more than happy to chat with you over a coffee or a hike if it happens that we are close by.

It would be nice to hear from you.
